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CF: Re: Crossfire 0.95.2 released.

Hi all.
[Lotsa stuff snipped]

> Secondary:

This should read:

There is no link from /games.  Just a minor point I thought I'd point out.

Also, the 0.95.2 hasn't reached aus yet :(  Oh well.

On a completely unrelated note, have people had a think about how the
class system could be revamped?  Discussion on this died out a little
while ago.  I tend to lean towards a 'classless' system, where a PC
chooses his race at startup, and then develops skills after that.  To a
certain extent the entire class system overlaps with the skills (although
I know due to limitations on attributes that a Viking for example won't
ever become as good a spell caster as a Wizard can become).

Anyway, are there any like minded people out there who would prefer a
'race and skill' based system rather than the current 'class and skill' or
even a 'class,race and skill' based system.

My server is currently setup with just races, but I haven't had much of a
chance to play test it unfortunately.  I added the Gnome player-race and
will send the stats out when I get a chance.

--Robert Brockway B.Sc.  Email: 
			 Founder of HUMBUG (

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