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CF: Re: Crossfire 0.95.2 released.

On Sun, Jan 31, 1999 at 02:34:27PM +0000, Mark Wedel wrote:
> Crossfire 0.95.2 has been released. There are a lot of bug fixes
> as well as some pretty big improvements in it.  The complete
> changelog is at the end of thie file.

Did some testing this weekend. And found some bugs...

- gates (spikes) not able to lift boulders, new scorn gates don't work....
- still problems with boulders dropping through trapdoors, for example
  raffle1 doesn't seem to work as it used to... 
- when using the permanent death option on server, killed palyer can still 
  login and gets to start from scorn and with _no_ stat/exp loss! 

this one was present already in 95.1
- apparently some doors are "randomly" opened when you enter to the map
  first time, especially noticeable in brest... (or is this feature? :)

The disease code, new gods and random map generator look great! But
sadly 0.94.3 is still the version that is most playable....

 Timo Kokkonen                                email: , 
 University of Jyvaskyla, Finland.              URL:
-----------------------"Not a plucky hero until one reaches the Great Wall"---

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