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Re: CF: Re: Crossfire 0.95.2 released.

On Mon, 1 Feb 1999, Timo Kokkonen wrote:
> this one was present already in 95.1
> - apparently some doors are "randomly" opened when you enter to the map
>   first time, especially noticeable in brest... (or is this feature? :)

Are you getting the unable to locate archetype door_look_1 message on the
server at that time? There's a difficult bug (probably a buffer overflow
somewhere...) that causes the loss of some archetypes in the server.
I've had the door_look_1 and some other archetype lost too. Requires a
server restart, and, of course, removing the temp maps since they're
stored without the lost arch. If it's the same problem it would be nice if
someone could trace under what circumstances it actually happens.

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