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Re: CF: GTK Client Bugs:Pickup messages and Keybindings

On Feb 2, 11:40am, John Cater wrote:

> What does a "mod" of "F" mean? (Most of them are "A")

 F means process that binding if the fire keysym is also pressed (which by
default is shift, but in theory someone could change that to alt or something.)
 the 'A' means process that binding if any (including none) of the modifiers
are pressed (the other modifier off hand is 'R' (run), which by default is

 This basically means that any key can have 3 meanings.  I often do this for
spells - f1 might be by fireball spells  - normal f1 is small fireball, shift
f1 is medium, control f1 is large.  And so on with other keys (a modifier if N
means normal (no modifieres).  If you look at the top of the def_keys in the
client distribution, it nicely describes all that.


-- Mark Wedel

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