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Re: CF: Exp system blues

"Stefan Reich" on  wrote...
| Raphaël Quinet () quoted here:
| > You can also see this case from another point of view: if you are a
| > wizard trying to kill a troll, you will cast some spells at it.  Even if
| > you do not succeed in killing the monster, you become more experienced
| > in casting these spells because you can successfully hurt the troll.  
| Thank you for writing this, so I can jump in :-)
| This is one point that disturbs me in most RPGs.
| Always you have to KILL and HURT someone for getting exp.
| Why not getting exp just for USING your skills ?
| In real life you can train archery by shooting at trees or targets,
| and you don't have to shoot people for getting better :)
| Hmm...maybe some differentiation between SKILL and EXP would be
| needed (like in Tibia...).
A stationary target doesn't make for a good training model.

In any case cross fire has it. They are called Mice!!!!
Keep killing mice with your skill and you will get to the basic 4 level
abilities.  After that such training is not much good nor rewarding.

Some skills of course should also probably produce some experience.
Search and disarm traps for example which already provides some

I pet hate. A human using a holy symbol and talisman for wizard and
praying skills can only see one or the other (or neither) when you
ask for your experience listing.

I would like to see ALL your experience types you have gains at lease
some experience for listed, not just those currently active.

  Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer )
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