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Re: CF: suggestion for Exp system (damage vs. kill)

Mark Wedel () wrote:

>  The only problem here would be someone that wants to basically play a healer
> or person that casts protection spells - they are certainly useful, but would
> not get any exp in that method.  On the other hand, how many people actually
> play characters like that?

We (Steve and I) have done this --- since I prefer to play barbarians,
I usually have problems with the healing spells early in the game.
I also like to help newbies by recharging their mana, so they don't have
to sit around doing nothing (but I _don't_ want exp for that!).
Another example is casting holy possession from different gods
(although this is less common), or the person who already has the
immunity to fire spell casts it onto the person who doesn't have it yet.


Christian Stieber
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