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Re: CF: 0.95.1 bug summary

>The "Hell-Hole" seems as it is an exit, so one can think it shouldn't
>be blocked.

I thought there was some dialog somewhere (in the Inn?) where you are
told that you need to block the hole.  I remember when I first made it
there, it seemed obvious that that was what I needed to do.

Personally, the way I would like to see that map work is: Upon sealing
the hole, you are told that sealing the hole triggered a minor
earthquake.  The entrance to that map is sealed off (a gate that looks
like boulders rises), but another exit is revealed, where you can
climb up out of another well (one that is normally "closed").

I don't really like the King's Teddy Bear idea.  I would have one of
the squares leading to the new exit check to see if you have the
"Undercity Quest Completed" hidden item, and add it if you don't have it.

That item would be required to enter the palace, where the king would
congratulate you, and you would also be declared the "Hero of Scorn"
(with a hidden inventory item, perhaps one giving Cha+1), in addition
to a variety of gems/gold/etc.

Now if only I had time to code it before someone else does something
else!  Well, unfortunately, that's not going to happen.


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