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Re: CF: Please help

>>>>> "Christian" == Christian Stieber <> writes:

    Christian> Just wait. Negative luck should time out, although I seem to
    Christian> remember a bug in that respect... _maybe_ the timeout
    Christian> doesn't work for -1 -> 0.

Just looked at the source code.  It doesn't work :-(.  Guess I'm stuck with

    >> Can you post a how to get the next 10 levels in wisdom guide too?
    >> Also

    Christian> Wisdom is easy --- go to brest (the village you get to when
    Christian> you leave Scorn and turn south). In the lower right of brest
    Christian> you will find a white house called "Administration". Go in
    Christian> and use the upstairs in the lower left.  You will be in a
    Christian> room with a few platinum coins and a sign pointing you to
    Christian> the "10 armies".  Build some earthwalls like this:

But the minute I go near a dread, the server crashes.  Is there a fix to
get around this?  It's very annoying..

    Christian> Magic 14 is okay. Try the "castle" in brest --- there is a
    Christian> room with 46 electric dragons. Electric dragons can be
    Christian> grilled with fire. There are quite a few other places like
    Christian> this, but you'll have to explore.

Well, I keep running into Chinese dragons who finish me off very fast (I'm
vunerable to cold, and wearing a ring of Ice doesn't seem to help much).
Guess it's time to get the barbarian out :-).

R. Balasubramanian.
Life is an exciting business, and most exciting when it is lived for 
others. -Helen Adams Keller (1880-1968)
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