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Re: CF: Temples of Scorn

On Thu, 14 Jan 1999, Anthony Thyssen misspelled:
> Mark Wedal carved into a stone tablet...
> |  In fact, that could be a very reasonable enhancement - remove random
> |  consecration.  Only altars not consecrated can be consecrated to a
> |  specific god without any real penalty.  Re-consecrating an already
> |  consecrated god is likely to generate at least some wrath from the
> |  god whose altar you are trying to reconsecrate (we could also store
> |  the level of the person who consecratedthe altar, and you need to be
> |  higher level to change it for example.)
> |
> Here Ye, Here Ye...
FWIW, I also like this idea very much: no random consecration,
and various surprises when trying to reconsecrate an already
consecrated altar.

For a moment, I thought that instead of making it strictly impossible
to reconsecrate the special altars in the temples, we could make it
very unlikely by setting them to a very high level so that a player
attempting to do that would almost always fail and be killed in the
process.  But on second thought, this is no such a good idea because
if the wrath of the god consists of summoned monsters, that would in
fact prevent anyone from entering the temple until the map resets.  So
it is better to write some code that prevents the re-consecration of
the special altars without any other side effects, and let the other
altars generating some funny stuff.

> Temple maps wanted for inclusion into Scorn Udate, Street of the Gods.
> Here is your chance to become a Prest or Prestess on a temple :-)
> We need temple maps for
>      Jehovah  (The New Church?)

I thought that we would remove Jehovah and Lucifer and replace them
by some other gods, as someone suggested last month.  What's the
status of that?

>      Lucifer     (Assuming he is attcking the southern Church)
I would prefer a specific temple for Lucifer (or whatever god
replaces it), because the undead church would be more appropriate
for Devourers (but they already have a temple).

> Note Gnarg would probably not be found in a human town, he has his own
> tower on the eastern side of the contenent anyway. Unless he has a
> hidden temple, down the well at end of the street, servicing the goblins
> menicing the city..  Anyone?

Goog ideas.  If a race builds a city (humans for most cities so
far), the temples dedicated to the direct ennemies of this race
should not be present in the city or should be hidden.

Errr...  I will see if I have some time tonight for building a
temple or two, so that you do not feel alone...  ;-)

> See scorn map

By the way, the new Scorn map is great.  I had fun talking to
people in the new prison.

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