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Re: CF: Dtabb Land

John Cater on  wrote...
| If nobody minds to much, we would like to take over maintenance of Dtabb land.
| Donations gratefully accepted ;-)
| We have started by completing the quest that was already there and by
| tidying up the town maps a bit.
That sound great!  Actually never visited DTabb, maybe I should go for a

| The quest requires two or more players around level 6. There is not
| much brainwork involved, but we think it would be a nice "second
| quest" after the underground city. The treasure is basically
| Mournblade (too powerful?!?) and a couple of helmets + speed boots.
| Though we said level six, you would probably level 8 or above by the
| time you finish.
| The only way to get to Dtabb land is via Navar City however. Navar
| city is a long way away from Scorn.  Anthony - Is there going to be an
| easier connection from Scorn to Navar?  We reckon there should be.
Maybe a `slow' ship map should be setup. An Idea I have been kicking

EG: Enter ship.
    Forced wait with various messages about the voyage being displayed
    (repeated twice in different orders as magic mouths activate both on a
    ON and OFF signal! -- Arrrgghhh)
    Then exit opens to destination.

NOTE: a ship like this is, one map, for one direction, but could have
cargo to search, crew to talk to. and could have varing travel times.

Hmm with a bit of work you could even have a posible random event,
(like a 1/8 chance) for some fog, or a storm with lightning :-).

Now that would be a challenge :-)

| Mark - I posted you a copy of the maps some time ago - did you get
| them?  We have made many mods/fixes since, so where is the best place
| to put new maps so they get included in the next release? /incoming?
If Mark says to I suppose I can incorperate the dtabb additions into the
current scorn update maps. That way we have one set of development maps.

| We are also looking for a new town or something for the deep south of
| Dtabb and an area/town or simliar for trolls, anyone?
| If you want the new maps just call! we'd appreciate suggestions /
| reviews...

  Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer )
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