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Re: CF: Dtabb Land

To All,

It seems that DTabb land is actually part of "The World" since it is located on
world maps e1 and e2

Who looks after these? They look unfinished. THere are a few little 
maps around in the generic directory - can we fool around with them?

It seems to us that it would be a lot better if the "world maps" just dealt with the existing large continent (Scorn Navar etc). We
would be happy to make Dtabb into a suitably sized island. (A map called /dtabb/dtabb perhaps?) And then we could all get rid of world
maps e1 & e2.

> If Mark says to I suppose I can incorperate the dtabb additions into the
> current scorn update maps. That way we have one set of development maps.
Can I get Mark to confirm this? Is Anthony now going to take care of the development maps?

We were kind of surprised how quick and easy it was to edit maps. More people need to be doing this!
It would be good if various current players/servers were allocated regions to 
upkeep and there was a central organising site.

Thanks James for testing the quest. Does anyone want dtabb.v_2.01.beta.tar.gz??

>world/world_e1 sea to the south east is passable.
That needs to be fixed on the world maps, we think we need a mandate to fiddle with them.

>dtabb/town/town ... can walk on the ship's sails.
>dtabb/town/church ... exits go back to old location on town.

>dtabb/quest/fire ... claims it needs two players but I did it with one
by dropping stack of objects on the northern most door after opening it
with the handle.  Make the door faster to fix.

Can you give us an idea how to do that? 
Is it by altering the speed or Hp of the gate for example?

John & Stephen
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