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CF: stable crossfire ?

I dug this out of my crossfire archive:

------- Forwarded Message

Date:    Sat, 25 Apr 1998 01:08:40 -0700
From:    "Mark Wedel" <>
Subject: Re: Whats the plan? (Was: Re: CF: Suggestions and bugs)

 Here is a brief outline from the TODO file:

0.94.0: complete client/server implementation (done)
0.94.x: Various refinements/fixes for the cs stuff above.
0.95.0: Remove all X11 dependant code - only client/server play supported
        at that time.

0.99.0: Start refining crossfire to be stable and balanced for 1.0 release.
        This means the only changes here would likely to be bufixes, and not
        new features.
1.0: First true public release - fully stable, and very well balanced.

 Note that there is a big gap between 95 and 99 and what features get
added in there.


Is is time to start stabilizing Crossfire ? Could we actually have 
Crossfire 1.0 before 2000 ? I ask this in all seriousness. Cristian's
comments recently about changes to Crossfire affecting maps is quite
valid. If we want to have lots of maps that are balanced and work properly
we have to, at some point, freeze the server functionality.

Crossfire has lots of features, maybe it's time to stop adding new ones
and to start playtesting and tweaking the existing server.

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