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Re: CF: Re: Temples of Scorn / New Pantheon

On Jan 16,  4:01pm, Anthony Thyssen wrote:
> Subject: Re: CF: Re: Temples of Scorn / New Pantheon
> I don't mind Jehova being down graded, but undead is one of the most
> common types on mosters with a deamons forming the higher level monster.

 I know the random maps is meant to help out on this.

 But in terms of a long range fix, we probably need to add more intermediate
monsters than.  the giant classes may not be bad (kobold, goblin, gnoll,
orc, ogre, hill giant, ???).  Maybe something between ogre and hill giant.

 More low level demons are needed.  AD&D had things like the manes/lemure
as very low level.  Certainly that can be expanded out.

 This is one of those things that more maps and more monsters may help
out with.

> All the other types of monsters the gods were against, are either very
> uncommon or non-existant at low level, or only availble at higher level.
> Making it near imposible to get those inital levels.

 I would like to see some more options to get priest experience other
than trying to find something of the correct race and hitting it with
holy word.  One problem is that it can be very difficult because while the
character can kill the monster, he is unable to do it via spells.  The
character should probably get some reward from killing his gods enemy, no
matter how he does it (maybe fractional exp? say if killed by physical,
80% goes there, 20% to religous?)


-- Mark Wedel

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