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Re: CF: Dtabb Land

On Jan 15, 7:18pm, John Cater wrote:  > Subject: Re: CF: Dtabb Land > To All,
> > It seems that DTabb land is actually part of "The World" since it is
located on > world maps e1 and e2 > > Who looks after these? They look
unfinished. THere are a few little > maps around in the generic directory -
can we fool around with them?

 Best I know, no one currently.  I believe they came from chico way back when.

> > It seems to us that it would be a lot better if the "world maps" just
dealt with the existing large continent (Scorn Navar etc). We > would be
happy to make Dtabb into a suitably sized island. (A map called /dtabb/dtabb
perhaps?) And then we could all get rid of world > maps e1 & e2.

 There are already enough 'islands' out there.  That is what tends to
happen - new map set with yet another disconnected island from everything
else - this makes it easy for new map designers (don't have to integrate),
but starts to loose cohesion when you have 30 different island places
out there.

 e1 & e2 where starting areas - as needed, that area would get expanded into
another continent the size of the current one.  So far that need has
not come up.  If realize that having a point where you cant go any further
east is annoying.  I really desirable, just toss a line of ocean at that
edge - then if expansion is needed in the future, that can get removed and
that continent can get built outward.

 Another continent is/was desired because the primary one was starting
to get a bit congested - some dungeon every 10 spaces or so.

> Can I get Mark to confirm this? Is Anthony now going to take care of the
development maps?  > 

 Anthony is doing the scorn update.  I am still the keeper of the master
maps that get distributed.

> We were kind of surprised how quick and easy it was to edit maps. More
people need to be doing this!  > It would be good if various current
players/servers were allocated regions to > upkeep and there was a central
organising site. 

 If desired, I can make a file and mark down who is maintaining what maps.
The problem is that those files tend to get out of date and it isn't
always clear that is the case (ie, 6 months from now, it says XXXX is
responsible for YYYY, but it seems that XXXX may not actually be
doing so - should ZZZZ take over that now?)


-- Mark Wedel

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