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Re: CF: stable crossfire ?

"Mark Wedel" on  wrote...
| > |  Note that there is a big gap between 95 and 99 and what features get
| > | added in there.
|  One gap filled.    It is possible that there could be a jump from soemthing
| like 0.96.4 (ie, new object format with most bugs fixed and it working
| properly) to 0.99.0.
|  Does anyone see any other major features/changes that should be
| earmarked?
A meta-server to allow people to find currently running servers, version
number and (at last udp report to meta-server) number of people playing.

A bit like the xpilot meta-server.

Without this it is very difficult locating servers, especially with the
old and aging websites listing non-running servers.

  Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer )
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