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Re: CF: Dtabb Land

On Jan 16,  6:33pm, John Cater wrote:
> Subject: Re: CF: Dtabb Land
> > but starts to loose cohesion when you have 30 different island places
> > out there.
> Perhaps the crossfire world/planet (does it have a name?) is dotted with
> numerous small islands?

 At sometime in the future, however, all of the currently disconnected
stuff may have to get placed in the world and things like ships, dragons,
or whatever else is used to explore the world.  Having tons of islands
dotting the world would make exploration a bit of a pain.

> BTW How do you delete stuff on a public server? eg. An old tar file from

 You can't I don't believe.  You can let Kjetil know that the file is to be
deleted, and he can then delete the file.

> Is that so bad? As I see it crossfire is about playing the dungeons... the rest
> is just scenery isn't it? I guess the idea of "atmospheric maps" comes from the
> role playing/realism angle. 

 I think it can be a little excessive if you can be standing and spot
half a dozen dungeons within walking distance.  At some point, things
get a bit densely packed.


-- Mark Wedel

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