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Re: CF: Re: Temples / Maps Update

>Also, I am having a problem with CrossEdit since I recompiled it: for
>some reason, my window manager (fvwm) refuses to give it the keyboard
>focus, even if I click on the windows.  Has anybody seen that before?
>Note that it worked fine until I recompiled the latest version, and
>nothing has changed in my wm setup.

I've noticed that from time to time with several applications, including
crossfire, if I recall correctly (pre-client/server).  The solution
has been to iconify the window and then deiconify it, and then the
keyboard focus works right.  I have no clue what isn't going on correctly
to set it up in the first place.

BTW, I use twm, so it is probably not a window-manager-specific problem.

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