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Re: CF: Re: Temples / Maps Update

Preston F. Crow on  wrote...
| >Also, I am having a problem with CrossEdit since I recompiled it: for
| >some reason, my window manager (fvwm) refuses to give it the keyboard
| >focus, even if I click on the windows.  Has anybody seen that before?
| >Note that it worked fine until I recompiled the latest version, and
| >nothing has changed in my wm setup.
| I've noticed that from time to time with several applications, including
| crossfire, if I recall correctly (pre-client/server).  The solution
| has been to iconify the window and then deiconify it, and then the
| keyboard focus works right.  I have no clue what isn't going on correctly
| to set it up in the first place.
| BTW, I use twm, so it is probably not a window-manager-specific problem.

The Window does not have a ``Focus'' Application Resource set.

This is a known problem and one that some window managers like twm
usally automatically take care of. Particularly on de-iconify.

It can also happen if one of the shift keys (like Caps or Num lock) is
down at a particualr point in time (like when tring to select a menu
item). Thugh this usally has different effects to that described.

Add something like... 

Crossedit*input: True

To your .Xdefaults file
or .Xresources file if you are using a xrdb resourse method
or run on the comamnd line (or in a start up script)

   echo "Crossedit*input: True" | xrdb -merge -

or add it to the Crossedit ``fallback'' resources in its sources
if it has one -- Haven't looked.

  Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer )
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