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Re: CF: Why is 6x6 the minimum map size in crossedit?

On Jan 18, 10:03pm, Peter Mardahl wrote:
> Subject: CF: Why is 6x6 the minimum map size in crossedit?
> Is there any particular reason for this?  For the
> random map generator, I'd like to include verbatim
> tiny maps into the map I'm generating:  a 3x3 would
> be useful even, but 6x6 is inconveniently large for
> some things.
> so, um, why 6x6?

 I believe just some arbitrary constant that was set up at some point.  I don't
beleive there should be a problem with smaller maps, and changing crossedit
to remove that limitation should not cause any problems.


-- Mark Wedel

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