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Re: CF: Telnet-interface for 0.95.1

The CF config file should list the metaservers.
CF should send a message saying it is a CF server, some stats and a UDP
port to receive metaserver messages.
The metaserver should respond (ack) with a message that includes the
minimum period between CF server sending updates.
CF server sends updates at CF config frequency if it is greater than
that specified by metaserver.
If CF does not get a response from metaserver then it should display
that as an error msg so the sysadmin can decide whether to remove that
metaserver from list.
CF should probably be able to accept list of metaservers from standard
crossfire ftp archive.  (presumably via sysadmin ftp and installing
metaserver config file).
Metaserver should expect no response to it's response.

That way metaservers require virtually nothing of CF and CF nothing
of metaservers, but metaservers can be kept reasonably up to date
at a traffic level acceptable to the sysadmin.  If a CF server is
configured to update every 15 seconds and metaserver is willing to
accept such frequent updates then it will work fine for all involved.

Be extremely reluctant for anything to require anything else.  Leads
to cascade failures which then leads to create efforts to prevent it
from happening again.  Best is to make everything independent and
a willingness to send what others ask to receive.

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