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Art needed! was Re: CF: Re: Temples / Maps Update

> > I would like to see the gods slay lists expanded before final release
> > though. How about it Gorlin?
> I'd also like more monsters included in there, but not those that are
> currently available or in other gods' slaying list - the enemy types in
> themselves look good.
> I think we'd need additional monsters - lowlevel demons (imps, familiars?)
> for Valriel, and highlevel giants, dwarves, faeries, (also angels for
> Gorokh followers - there are greater demons or demon lords en masse, but
> few strong angelic beings around) etc... Even if they're not included in
> standard maps right from the start, they'd be useful in random maps right
> away.

The big problem with these is the art.  I'll do arcs for demons.
I'll do arcs for giants and angels.  Anyone can do arcs.  It's not hard.
what's hard is the art.  Recruit your artistic friends.  Steal
any public domain image you can find.  I've made a utility for splitting
images into crossfire-sized chunks.

I'd rather have nice, big, pretty images:  we can always shrink them
down, and they'll look ok, but scaling them back up is harder.  Has
anyone noticed that the Greater Demon and the imp are both the same
image?  Magic with xv.

I'd also like to see some cool multi-square elementals, a fiery salamander,
a purple worm, more varieties of dragon, and more varieties of animal,
all of which I'll be delighted to stick in the random maps as styles,
and by the way, where should we stick some random maps, since we've
decided not to simply stick them in all empty exits?

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