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Re: CF: Updated Dtabb and Navar City GIF

John Cater on  wrote...
| The latest version of Dtabb Land is now available at:
| While Stephen was finishing off the Dtabb maps, I decided to spend some
| time turning Navar into the Metropolis I always thought it should be.
| In the same vein as Anthony's mods of Scorn, the Port Area has been
| split off and some of the newer/nicer pix maps have been used.
| A gif image:
| navar_city.gif is available to view at the same site.
| Comments Anyone? I'd like to do a bit more work on this in the next
| week or two.
| Anthony -> have you tried the Dtabb Maps at all? Do you have any
| problems integrating them?

I took a quick walk very good.

Hmm you may like to look at the  /dtabb/quests/shop_b  the map is using
an altar instead of a gold floor. And seems a bit of a weird  way to
enter shop,  door jump person direct into shop, bypassing the shop mat!
Gold floors also are visible if not yet triggered!

Also Mark is currently working on gold floors and other things. One
addition may be a flag to allow gold floors to tigger multiple times.

No problems intergrating at all except I have another set to overlay :-)
Nice update of navar city. a much nicer, less monster overrun city this.
Does it have temples ready for the new (or old) gods?

Actually you better see about the new maps very fast as Mark asked me to
have Scorn Update complete by the weekend.

  Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer )
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