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Re: Art needed! was Re: CF: Re: Temples / Maps Update

On Jan 21, 12:51am, Peter Mardahl wrote:
> Subject: Art needed!  was Re: CF: Re: Temples / Maps Update
> I'd also like to see some cool multi-square elementals, a fiery salamander,
> a purple worm, more varieties of dragon, and more varieties of animal,
> all of which I'll be delighted to stick in the random maps as styles,
> and by the way, where should we stick some random maps, since we've
> decided not to simply stick them in all empty exits?

 Note that for dragons, some varieties can potentially be done just by
changing the colors in the existing (need to make new xpm, but you get
the idea).  This is really what was done for fairy dragons (same image,
different coloring).


-- Mark Wedel

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