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Re: CF: CrossEdit Layers

On Thu, 21 Jan 1999, Scott Wedel wrote:
> Seems to me far more powerful approach would be to allow text search
> and replace options on the map.  So not only can floor type be replaced,
> but monsters and items can be globally modified as well.

Well, probably more powerful, but the people who could actually use it
would probably make good additions to the programming crew ;). 

Actually it's rather a different approach tho. Layers arent 'global' in
nature, they are logical groupings of non-similar objects. It allows
editing of the logical groups without danger of disturbing currently
unselected layers, so you can, for example, wipe a layer completely, but
only actually remove the objects in one room of the map, where the objects
are in the same layer. Also, layers can be switched on and off in viewing
mode to allow overview of just the lowest layer, or lowest layer and
walls, for example.


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