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Re: CF: CrossEdit Layers

Scott Wedel on  wrote...
| > With layers, I could pick a layer that holds the floor to be editable
| > and then just sweep the map with the floor arch I had picked, without
| > disturbing all the other objects.
| Seems to me far more powerful approach would be to allow text search
| and replace options on the map.  So not only can floor type be replaced,
| but monsters and items can be globally modified as well.
Such a option would be a good addition, but that would NOT be desirable
as it means you can't artistically sweep random areas with a different
floor type, or so on a monster level with a different monster/generator.

Note the levels should be arbitary, and that means that the maps will
have to have a extra `editor' field for each object.

I can forsee a complex map having a numerious layers such as....
  no_spells/unholy/chaos/angry_floor layer, 
  listens/mouths or hidden altars/buttons/checkinv layer
  the floor layer,  walls/doors/pier layer
  non hidden devices layer (handles/buttons/gates/spikes)
  monster/generator layer(s),
  other effects layer (fog?)
All definable by the user and with layer order being be swapped around.

A layer could have multiple objects in it if user likes (like an old map
saved from crossedit), or one object (and painted with a ``replace''
method - like you have for a floor layer)

A search/replace object attibute function limited to a single layer
would be good for ensuring that in a stack of button layers each button
has the correct weight trigger set (That is the button weight AND its
trigger weight!)

EG: top button layer, wieght =1 , second = 2, third = 4 so that when ANY
object of weight 1 is placed on buttons ALL button will activate.

EG: That is for example the third button triggers as objects on top of
is the object (1) first button (1) and second button (2) --> 4 --> depress.
IE: third button trigger weight must be 4.

The layers are basically so that you can easilly work on a single group of
objects (which may be different) without posibily effecting other
objects allowing more `artistic' freedom, and less mechanical work.

  Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer )
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