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CF: Re: Drawing Program was Re: Art needed!

On Jan 21,  7:05pm, Scott MacFiggen wrote:
> Subject: Re: Art needed! was Re: CF: Re: Temples / Maps Update

> Isn't there some program out that does palette reduction
> so you don't have to worry about things like that?
> Debabelizer comes to mind...

 The key is to reduce the colors into crossfires standard set, not just any 32
random colors.

 There are all sorts of programs out there to reduce colors.  If you are
designing images my hand, you should just use the standard color set.  If you
are getting the images elsewhere and need to reduce, you probably need to do
some touch up work afterwards (some colors that used to contrast may not
contrast since they got reduced into 1 color, and the object just looks like a
blob of color now.

 In terms of editing tools, pixmap is set for xpm images, and isn't bad if you
just need to do minor touchup.  But it certainly isn't the best for doing lots
of image work.


-- Mark Wedel

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