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Re: Art needed! was Re: CF: Re: Temples / Maps Update
- To: crossfire mailing list <crossfire (at)>
- Subject: Re: Art needed! was Re: CF: Re: Temples / Maps Update
- From: Anthony Thyssen <>
- Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 14:24:56 +1000
- In-reply-to: Your message of "Thu, 21 Jan 1999 19:05:53 PST." <>
- Sender:
Scott MacFiggen on wrote...
| >> Tools for artwork?
| >>
| >> the GIMP tool?
| >> xv can enlarge and reduce, but edit?
| >
| >I've used a variety of programs for bitmap editing, such
| >as xpaint. That one works OK. There's another one which I liked,
| >I think it's called pixmap, or something like that. You might
| >have to modify the resulting xpm, to put in the exact correct colors
| >for Crossfire, but that isn't too hard.
| >
| >PeterM
| Isn't there some program out that does palette reduction
| so you don't have to worry about things like that?
| Debabelizer comes to mind...
"Recolor" script in my icon library can do this given a ppm color table
(using the pbmplus "ppmquant" program internally) from directory..
This script also calls a ``fix-xpm'' script to convert #rgb values back
into X window color names (which in turn uses a perl script to `invert'
the rgb database file).
Goes well with the xbmbrowser program to view all X images in a
directory, and select user definable functions from a menu.
Its old but hey it works well. I use it to organise Anthony's Icon
Library which came into
existance when nothing else was around for X window icons and long
before the advent of the WWW and its multude of image libraries.
Peter, do you have an inverse program to convert the crossfire images
back into single images? I wrote one using the Imagemagick "montage"
program, but this version gets edge colors wrong, wreaking the image.
Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer )
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
``angry fruit salad'' (n). -- A bad visual-interface design that uses
too many colors. This term derives, of course, from the bizarre
day-glo colors found in canned fruit salad.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
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