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CF: Map Set Development Cont. (Scorn Maps)

John Cater on  wrote...
| Dear Anthony,
| If you are going to put out another update to the Scorn maps could you
| please include the latest version of Dtabb?
Applogies..  New release uploaded  v990128
Which now also includes a release of the navar_city.  :-)

I have sent John a bug report seperately,
so this is probably not the last. :-(

OK.. New release (again). 
Mark can you bless and clean up pyrmaid ftp incoming directory. Thanks.
Question anyone else wanting new maps incorperated?
Release v990128

Map Revision since last server release... v0.95.1
This release includes...

  * Scorn City Update, plus..

  * New God ArchTypes File and Patch

  * Scorn Temples for the New Gods of Crossfire curtisy of Raphaël Quinet

  * Dtabb Update maps at the time of current release curtisy of 
    John Cater & Stephen Wade   v2_50

  * Navar City Development  curtisy of John Cater.  v2_20

You can download the latest map update (which is dated) from 

  * The norway crossfire ftp server

  * Subdirectory of My www home pages (no nice web format - sorry)

  * Or pyramid, after Mark Wedel has `blessed' it with read permissions

The directory will contain the current BETA release of this update.
Each file starts with "scorn_" and contains a `date' number of when I
created that file set   EG: inital release was  981228 or 28 Dec 1998.

      The name readme file of the changes, additions, and notes since
      this update ws started (included in both TAR files below).

      A tar file of all the new map files OR maps with lots of changes. 
      For example the main `city' map of Scorn is heavilly modified.
      A patch of any other map NOT in the `major' tar file above (gzip'ed).
      Most of these are just minor exit changes, small fix, or addition
      EG: A Gate Pass as an extra prize for completing that map set.

      A full (very large) copy of all maps with the updated scorn maps
      installed.   (Not on norway ftp server - not enough disk space)

      A Gzip'ed Gnu diff off all the changes including the creation
      of the new directories and files.

And for the new God Types (date may be older)
      A gziped version of the modified v0.95.1 archtypes file

      The diff (by Raphaël) to create new god archtypes file.

To perform the update you will have to first

  * Patch or replace the archtypes file using one of the `godarch' files

Then to update the maps you can do ONE of the following...

  1/ Replace all the maps with the  scorn_maps_{DATE}.tar.gz archive

  2/ Use the scorn_diff_{DATE}.patch.gz file to patch the v0.95.1 maps
     file.  This includes creating the new map files and directories.
     Then you can (optionally) delete the now unused (or moved) files
     listed below.

  3/ De-archive the `major' tar file over the v0.95.1 maps. Then patch
     the other maps with the `minor' patch file.  And finally, as in
     option 2, (optionally) delete the now unused (or moved) files no
     longer required in the new map set.

For those who are just beta testing I suggest you rename "maps" you are
currently using to "maps.95.1" (or whatever you like) then de-archive
the `maps' file, above, next to it in the crossfire library directory.
That is Option 1 above, with a backup.

Distribution counts (version 990128)...

File (maps) counts...
  New Files added...           56
  Old Files deleted...         18   (see below)
  Existing Files modified...   80
  In Major Change TAR..        87
  In Minor Patch DIFF..        49
Results in main `maps' tar file...
  Total Files available..      1116
  Total directories...         130

NOTE: Not all files are maps (IE: readmes) but most are.
Also includes latest DTabb maps at time of release

The following maps should be deleted from v0.95.1 maps, if overwriting,
along with any directories which become empty as a result...
  /generic/castle1.0     /generic/castle2.2       /generic/undead.3
  /generic/castle1.1     /generic/castle2.3       /generic/village1
  /generic/castle1.2     /generic/cave2           /generic/volcano/level1
  /generic/castle1.3     /generic/house1          /generic/volcano/level2
  /generic/castle2.0     /generic/undead.1        /generic/volcano/level3
  /generic/castle2.1     /generic/undead.2        /generic/volcano/level4

  Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer )
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
   `` One never knows whether you are going to hit adventurer on the
    head with the obvious or hide something in the mists of deviousness.''
                                  --- Ann E Cleary <>
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