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CF: Staff to snake

        Thanks for the replies to my question.  I have killed a few titans
in the Administration building in Brest, by snowstorms.  But I seem to only
get Bonecrushers.  BTW, the bonecrusher is worth _less_ unidentified?
        I tried out the staff to snake spell.  I figured you need to be
using a quarterstaff and the spell would do something.  It crashed the
client, but not the server.  Of course, all my stuff got doubled :-).
        I have another doubt:  I am both vunerable and protected from
cold.  So what does this mean?  I seem to take lots of damage from cold
spells, so I guess I am vunerable.  (Protection from a ring, vunerable -
maybe I was born with it, being a Quetzalcoatl).

R. Balasubramanian.
Life is an exciting business, and most exciting when it is lived for 
others. -Helen Adams Keller (1880-1968)
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