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CF: Sliding animation instead of jerking animation

> [Mark Wedel]
> [lots of good stuff snipped]
> >    The size of the viewable area should probably be odd, so that
> >   there is a definate center point to put the player on (so perhaps
> >   17x17?)  Ideally, this could be semi configurable, so future
> >   changes don't require a significant amount of recoding.
> Also consider making it possible to move less than one square at the
> time, or at least do sliding animations (may be relegated as a client
> issue).

Wow, this is a great idea.  The game would seem MUCH smoother.
I hope someone can take up this idea of Kjetil's and incorporate
it into the client.

> The light source stuff helps somewhat in this regard.  The problem
> with a larger view is generally that the map designer has packed stuff
> too tightly so that, e.g., the player can look across the sea and see
> the hidden area which he'll teleport into.

This is a good point.  However, I think having a larger player area
is very worthwhile, and I'd volunteer (in July) to help fix any maps
broken by this.

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