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Re: CF: Sliding animation instead of jerking animation

On Tue, 1 Jun 1999, Peter Mardahl wrote:
Kjetil Torgrim Homme wrote:
> > Also consider making it possible to move less than one square at the
> > time, or at least do sliding animations (may be relegated as a client
> > issue).
> Wow, this is a great idea.  The game would seem MUCH smoother.
> I hope someone can take up this idea of Kjetil's and incorporate
> it into the client.

Incorporating it into the client wont work tho, since there isnt enough
info in the client to do it. A possibility would be to have the client
know a larger-than-visible area, and keep the character image as a sortof
'overlay' in the middle and just slide the map around upon movement, but
that would require sending first a client-request-move, getting yes/no
from the server, sliding the map and updating with new location. This
might look slightly weird tho, since monsters and other players would
still move jerkily, and shifts in lighting would also be done jerkily. The
basic problem is that the client doesnt contain any object information, it
just contains an array of mapsquares and what images they contain. Neither
do we trust the client with object info. Not even map animations are done
client-side, they're done through actual map redraws.

Of course, the player usually moves too fast to allow stepped animation
anyway ;).

I was saving the suggestion of doing real object drawing in the client to
the Great OpenGL Crossfire Rewrite around 2005 :).


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