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Re: CF: a couple questions

Sean McInerney wrote:
> First off, I was wondering how to make my text screen (right hand side) of
> my crossfire display scrollable.  For example when I apply the inventory of
> a shop, it shows all of it and ends.  I used to be able to scroll through,
> with something like press a key to see next screen full, and see all the
> items that way.  As it is, I only see the last screen of items, and am
> missing a lot of things.  Is there a flag somewhere I need to set for this?
> Seems straightforward to make this an automatic feature.
> Also I am totally puzzled as to why my crossedit doesn't seem to be working
> properly.  I will log in as root, I chmod'd all the maps to 777, so I can do
> absolutely anything I want to them, and when I am using crossedit, I can't
> make any changes to the map when typing is required.

The quick and dirty workaround I found for this (after about an hour's
work), was to minimize all non-crossedit screens, and make SURE that
your mouse is showing an I-bar in the box you want to edit.  I was
su-ing to root in an xterm, then starting crossedit, and I found that I
HAD to minimize the xterm or all my keystrokes went there.

Ryan P. Casey
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