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Re: CF: Avatars & Earthwalls

On Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 03:21:10PM +1000, John Cater wrote:

> On the subject of avatars, it really sucks that you can be killed
> really quickly by your own avatar.

It doesnīt suck, IMHO. An avatar is a _very_ powerful weapon; so it's just
fair that you have to be careful when using it.

> Dimension door makes some things easier, but it really bites being a map designer and always having
> to take it's possible use into account.

I donīt see a problem here. There are a lot of things you have to consider
anyway --- I even consider "show invisible", just in case they implement
a proper fix some day.

> e.g. You can cheat really easily in the ninth gate of hell.

Yep, but thatīs no reason to remove the spell, itīs a reason to fix the
map. Which is _really_ easy for dimension door problems.

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