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Re: CF: Avatars & Earthwalls

John Cater wrote:
> To All,
> It is currently possible to kill very high level monsters with a combination of earthwalls and bombs
> (the bomb under the earthwall makes this very possible).
> To fix this how about making earthwalls alive? So that monsters attack them like they do avatars.

 The problem with such a quick fix is that some maps use a large number of
earthwalls to prevent monster migration (player is expected to hack them down.) 
If monsters attack earthwalls, a player could find all the earthwalls destroyed
before he gets to some area.

 The fact that some maps hide treasure under earthwalls could make some maps
much easier.

 The bigger problem is that monsters are pretty stupid - you could put a bomb
next to a monster, and presuming the monster doesn't have anything to chase, it
will just sit there and get exploded.  And there are other maps where you could
get the bomb close enough to the monsters, but not so close you actually get in
harms way.

 If the above is really a problem, a better and more sensible fix might be to
have the earthwall effective smother the effects of the bomb (earthwall perhaps
being destroyed in the process). 

> Another suggestion, let's remove dimension door altogether. It probably means some map changes, but
> hey it sounds as if most of the maps are in for a shakeup anyway.
> Dimension door makes some things easier, but it really bites being a map designer and always having
> to take it's possible use into account.

 As a map maker, many things need to be taken into account.  Now perhaps making
it easier in the editor for a map design to take such things into consideration
(ie, select some area and then click on 'protect from dimension door' which puts
connected antimagic spaces on all the walls or something.

 Another more interesting future enhancement would be finer refinement of no
magic areas.  Right now, it is basically no magic, no clerical magic, and
nothing at all.  Being able to limit it better (either individual spell, or
maybe by spellpath) would probably be a nice feature - many areas might have
protections from teleportation for various reasons, but the ability to actually
use combat spells should not be limited.
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