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Re: CF: Wow....

> Hi All,
> Man...I am pissin' everywhere in Scorn,  warts are massin' allover
> my body and I just got prick with another needle that gave me
> athelete's foot.....ARGH...I love this game. My last game(much older 
> rev) was not as detailed. It's not that I haven't tried to keep up,
> but couldn't get the later revs to work for me, until now.
> Hat's off to Crossfire team. I hadn't been able to play this game 
> for about two years.  The configure script makes it easier for the
> code challanged to continue the saga. I got it to work on an 
> SS20/Solaris_7/gcc_2.7.2 compiler. I also got it to work on my
> Pentium/Solaris_7/gcc_2.7.2 machine at home.  The daughter(17) likes
> this game too.
> No Spoilers please......
> Chris
> -
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