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Re: CF: getting rid of too powerful characters

Hi All,

Take my opinion for what you will, but I happen to agree with both
sides of the argument.  After I have carefully nursed my character
through so many battles and quest, I like to hang on to him and
not see him disappear.

On the other hand, I think the game is more fun trying different
characters and not having Superdude with immunity to everything.

My solution?  

1. Ban high level characters from quests.  If you're over 10th
   level, you are banned from most newbie quests.  15th level
   and you become banned from some intermediate quests.  Once
   you start reaching 30th level, there are only a few quests
   left that you can still enter.

If that alone is not enough, then the following can be

2. Equipment, just like spell casting, requires experience
   levels.  If you're 20th level in wisdom, but 1st level
   in physical, you should be  restricted to very basic armor 
   and simple weapons.  Just like scrolls can be flubbed, 
   wands and rods should be made to backfire if a newbie 
   tries to launch a 20th level fireball from a wand.  To 
   make it more interesting, a fighter class should have a 
   penalty when using equipment for a wizard class.  Similarly, 
   priests should be penalized when wearing platemail and axes
   (not getting the full AC & damage values, since they aren't
   experienced enough to use it properly), etc...

3. Once a character reaches "Super" level, his equipment
   becomes branded so that none other can equip with it.

   I really don't think #2 & #3 are needed, since a player
   can decide for himself what is "cheating".  If a superdude 
   gives you Excaliber while you are frantically battling 
   kobolds in newbieville, you can say, "no thanks, my honor
   forbids receiving gifts".


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