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Re: CF: getting rid of too powerful characters

> 5) We could make it pointless or dangerous to keep on gaining levels
>    after some point.   After level 25 or 30, each level gained beyond
>    that would cause one permanent stat loss for Con, Dex and Pow,
>    like if the character was getting older.  This means that if the
>    threshold is set to 30, then a player reaching level 36 would have
>    a maximum value of 20 - 6 = 14 for Con, Dex and Pow.  So it would
>    still be possible to play the game and keep on gaining levels, but
>    after a while the character would be so weak that it would be too
>    dangerous to play with it (cannot stand a physical attack, and not
>    able to cast spells because Pow is too low).  It would also be
>    possible to compensate this loss of stats for a while by using some
>    rings or improved weapons, but they would not help anymore when
>    the stats start becoming negative.

The idea of the max level being 30 and the player getting nothing beyond
that makes sense.  At that point the player has gotten as good as they
can get and extra exp just means the player can die without dropping any

The idea of being penalized for going above that does not make much sense.
If attributes are to be dropped due to a player aging then character game
time needs to be tracked and have a rule that an hour of play time is a
month of character time and use that to determine character age.  Using
level to determine character age is arbitary and counterproductive.

Another change would be to have a variation of permadeath where when a
character is killed then the character is dead that spot on the map and
needs to be recovered and resurrected/raised.  But the twist is that map
with the dead character will not be refreshed until the map has no dead
characters.  So there is time to get the dead character and the player with
the dead character needs to arrange a rescue before someone else gets there
and takes all of the dead player's stuff (thus that someone is dead someplace
should not be revealed by the game).  Also, some quests could be disrupted
by first having to rescue dead characters which seems okay to me.

I think it is a bad idea to prevent high level characters from doing
a lower level quest, but it is reasonable that finishing a quest gives a
player a hidden item and some parts of a quest map cannot be entered
by a player with that hidden item.

Lastly, I think exp should not be adjusted upward for a lower level
char doing domething of higher level.  The exp of the hard event should
be enough and it doesn't make sense since doing something far above your
level generally means you got lucky or didn't fully understand what you
were doing.  Thus, you don't really learn more than people of the same
level as the hard event.  I think it is reasonable to give reduced exp
for doing something of a lower level since there isn't really much
learning there.  So something like:
adjusted_exp = (player_level >= monster_level) ? monster_exp :

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