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CF: Bug with doors

[I don't think Aravan the bard is on the mailing list -- Kjetil T.]

I just installed Crossfire 95.3 on a linux box running RedHat 6.0. 
Everything seems to work fine except after an hour or so of playing
doors, and earthwalls dissapear.  Not every area is affected, and some
areas are only partially affected.  It happens to areas when they reset,
and sometimes when you go in there are doors, if you exit and come back
the doors are gone.  It only happens to doors that you can normally
open, without needing a special key.  I am unable to find a pattern as
to when this happens and am at a loss.  If this problem has allready
been addressed, or there is a patch in an obvious place please excuse me
I am quite new to crossfire, but this problem is quite anoying and any
help you could give would be appriciated.

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