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Re: CF: Newbie questions about priest cults

> Looking over the gods and there benefits/penalties I chose to worship 
> Lythander, mainly for the immunity to confusion.  But after I did this I can 
> still become confusded (which really pissed me off).  Anyone have any ideas 
> on why this is happening.

When you start to worship Lythander you automatically become protected
against confusion, but you only gain the immunity when you cast the holy
possession prayer on yourself (the same applies to the other cults that
have an immunity - priests only gain it whenever they cast that prayer).

> Also I am wondering about gaining levels for my priest spells. I am level 29 
> overall but I still have 0 exp as a priest.  Is the only way to gain to 
> start by going around casting cause light wounds on weiner mobs?  Seems 
> silly, but thats about all I can think of.

Hmm, cause wounds and holy word are both lvl 1 prayers, holy word only
works against the enemies of your god (goblins and trolls in your case),
while wounding works against anyone. However, holy word is an area spell,
so it affects more enemies at once. At higher lvls there are the higher
cause wounds spells, banishment instead of holy word, and you can use the
holy servant or the avatar against opponents (again, this works against
all opponents, not just the enemies - however, the allies are exempt).


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