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Re: CF: more updates soon, comments/votes requested

David Andrew Michael Noelle wrote:
> Not a problem.  I already took care of that.  Items improved by divine
> intervention do not become any more valuable.  It doesn't really make
> a whole lot of sense, but there doesn't seem to be a more reasonable
> way to close that loophole.

Just an idea: The "the god who lent it you retrieves it" code could also
be used with such items. Maybe with a slightly modified message or

> It don't see any reason why this service couldn't be provided by both
> institutions, once both are available.  For now, I'd rather have mana
> recharge available in a temple than not at all.

You could as well put it in magic shops, next to the identify/detect*
`services´. I think it would fit there very well.

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