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Re: CF: more updates soon, comments/votes requested

> Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 13:34:01 +0900
> From: Seikoh Nishita <>
> If the potions recover all our experience that drained by the
> "drain" attacktype, we can easily get much experience with this
> feature, can't we?? Or am I just misunderstanding?
> 1. get a sword that has "drain" attacktype.
> 2. find other player.
> 3. hit him with the sword. 
>    (you will get experience, and he will lost)
> 4. let him to drink the potion.
>    (he will get back his experience.)
> 5. let him to hit you with the sword.
>    (you will lost and he'll get)
> 6. drink the potion.
>    (recover your exp)

I hadn't thought of that.  Two players with drain attacks and potions
of restoration could drain each other to gain experience.  There are
three solutions to this that I can think of:

1) Don't implement drain recovery.

2) Make drain from undead recoverable, but not drain from other

3) Don't give the attacking player any of the experience drained from
   another player.

Personally, I prefer the third option.

            -Dave Noelle,                 
            -the Villa Straylight,

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"Everything in excess!  To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites.
Moderation is for monks." - Lazarus Long
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