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Re: CF: more updates soon, comments/votes requested

>>You could as well put it in magic shops, next to the identify/detect*
>>`services´. I think it would fit there very well.

Inside a shop, or in mage guilds, or maybe a mad wizard just
discovered how to transform gold into raw magic...
Maybe in an edge too, so that one can't be pushed while
recharging ? There is gold lying on the floor...

>The only problem with this is that it would take a rework on most of the
>maps. take for example the magic shop in Scorn. The spaces near the door are
>taken up with a Detect Magic, a Detect Curse, an Identify
>altars and a sign telling you whats inside. Where do you want to put the
>recharge station?

We don't need to have a recharge station in every city. It should be something
annoying enough to prevent characters from recharging in the middle of
a dungeon / tough mob.

>You could make a recharge station part of a quest? This way most people
>wouldn't know where it was and you would have to find it or a key to get in
>to it. If you had the key method everyone could see the recharge station and
>know it was available. that way they would know where it was but not how to
>get to it.

So that only the experienced players can access it ? Looks wrong to me...
I don't like the idea of having a quest for almost anything ; newbies would
spend their time trying to find out how they could gain access to this, that
and what not...


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