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Re: CF: more updates soon, comments/votes requested

Doug wilder wrote:

> >You could as well put it in magic shops, next to the identify/detect*
> >`services´. I think it would fit there very well.
> The only problem with this is that it would take a rework on most of the
> maps. take for example the magic shop in Scorn. The spaces near the door are
> taken up with a Detect Magic, a Detect Curse, an Identify
> altars and a sign telling you whats inside. Where do you want to put the
> recharge station?

 IMO, using the 'it would require redoing maps' is not a good long term approach
to making crossfire a better game.  Such logic leads into the case where no
large project is ever undertaken because of the work involved, so instead you
get small fixes which just makes the game appear more cobbled together.

 To update the maps is a minor amount of work in any case.  Ok, there maybe a
dozen magic shops out there, but updating those shops is certainly easier to
making a dozen temple maps to the magic god.

 I would guess it would probalby only take 5 or 10 minutes to update each map -
remove some of the floor tiles, bumpe the wall out some, and do a little cleanup
and you are done.
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