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Re: CF: World Maps

> changing dungeons etc. But this can destroy a good quest. If you can,
> for instance, pick the lock of the door of the lighthouse in Navar,
> you would miss nearly half of the smugglers quest (and all of the
> story around it).

then don't design maps with pick-able locks in them.

> BTW, isn't someone working on a creation myth?

i am.  but i can only type so much at a time (after 12 hours
of typing at work).  other problem is that 15 years of technical
writing makes it harder to write legends :-)

personal theory is that there should be several, probably one
per cult or gild.  each one could skew the info to suit their 
own tastes -- and we could hide some useful info about each in
the legends.

my own theory is that gaea, sorig, ruggilli and devourers
(land, sky, fire, ice) started it all out.  ruggilli started
consuming everything to keep himself alight.  devourers started
out as straightforward god of ice permenance but began sucking
the life out of other things to gain power.  this caused major
hatred between four original gods.  race gods were mortals who
aligned themselves with the various gods in the war of the 
elementals (this is how it ties in with existing items) and 
were given special powers.  still trying to weave heaven/hell
gods into it after the elementals and races.  easy out is that
humans were split in the war w/ some on gaea's side and some on
devourers/ruggilli's side.  this has the advantage of giving
each race a god along with the more `generic' ones.

this version has the (mild) advantage of explaining where the
rings of life, fire, ice, etc, come from.  also might be used
for slight realignment of gods (e.g., allowing both ruggilli
and devourers to hate gaea). 

 Steven Lembark                                   2930 W. Palmer St.
                                                 Chicago, IL  60647
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