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CF: Locks & Mythology (was Re: World Maps)

> Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 02:49:54 -0500
> From: Steven Lembark <>

> > changing dungeons etc. But this can destroy a good quest. If you can,
> > for instance, pick the lock of the door of the lighthouse in Navar,
> > you would miss nearly half of the smugglers quest (and all of the
> > story around it).
> then don't design maps with pick-able locks in them.

I think a better solution would be to have three different types of
locked doors, the simple ones that can be opened with any key or
easily picked, the ones that require a specific key but can be picked
at various levels of difficulty, and quest doors that will not open
for anything other than their specific key.  This can be implemented
by using the door's "level" to determine how hard it is to pick, with
some arbitrarily high number reserved to mean absolutely no chance.

The same could apply to containers.  There aren't many examples of
this yet, but locked containers do work.  

> this version has the (mild) advantage of explaining where the
> rings of life, fire, ice, etc, come from.  also might be used
> for slight realignment of gods (e.g., allowing both ruggilli
> and devourers to hate gaea). 

I thought we were going to leave the Devourers as "Undead" and make a
new ice god.  I think we had just about everything except a name.  It
must be in the archives somewhere.  The Devourers aren't a "god" of
anything.  They're not really even a god.  According to the random
bits of mythology already in place, "the Devourers" is a collective
name for all the nameless spirits of darkness and death, so there is
no single entity called "Devourers."

Of course there's no rule that says this can't be changed, but it
would require hunting down all the current references to Devourers and
making sure they match the new mythology.  As has been mentioned here
numerous times, that's not a reason to scrap an idea that would be a
significant improvement, but I'm not sure making the Devourers a "god"
of ice fits that category.  Would your mythology still work if you
replaced "Devourers" with some name for the proposed elemental god of

            -Dave Noelle,                 
            -the Villa Straylight,
Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email  ==

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"All I know is television doesn't make a previously sane man go out and
 kill five people, thinking they're all the same man.  Even 'Must See TV'
 couldn't do that to you."
  - Special Agent Fox Mulder, X-File 3X23: "Wetwired"
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