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Re: CF: Race, Reputation and other suggestions

 While your point of crossfire becoming more social is a hopeful goal, I then
think that we should wait until that happens before adding such races as the

 Adding a feature on the hope that future enhancements will better balance them
is just generally a bad idea.  First, you have to wait for those future
enhancements to take place.  Second, when they do take place, you may have
problems in that people see those enhancements as crippling an otherwise fun
race, and thus you get a split on what people think is the propre way to do

 Taking examples from literature and trying to say that we should do the same
for crossfire probably won't work.  I would tend to venture that many of the
people I actually real life game with would not be all that thrilled to have
some of those extremes in the game.  They may make for good literature, but they
don't necessarily make for good gameplay.  I don't think anyone will be writing
a novel about the crossfire world, and even if they do, I doubt it would
strictly follow what is really legal in crossfire.

 As for maximum stats, perhaps I should be clearer on that:

 A races maximum natural stat is 20 +/- whatever the starting adjustment is. 
Thus a race that gets a +5 strength and -5 int has a maximum natural strength of
25, and maximum natural int of 15.

 However, objects (like rings, swords, amulets, helmets, ....) that adjust those
stats go beyond that.  So that same character with a -5 int could still get a 25
or higher effective int if he can pile enough items that give him an int bonus.

 In some sense, this sort of balances out - if the ogre has a 25 strength, he
doesn't need many items to get it up to 30, so can instead use those slots for
other items.  But it does mean that another race could get just as high a stat -
they just need more items.  Maybe not a big deal.

 I certainly don't want to make the stat maximums any higher than 30.  At one
time, they were 25, but with the proliferation of items that give significant
adjustments, it was 'too easy' to get 25's in all the stats.  I think raising
the stats then gave people more room/reason to make stuff more power - there is
actually reason to have +10 to a stat to get that 30 now, and so even better
items show up.

  I really don't know how bad this is, or if it really as throwing things way
out of balance.  I do know that many features have been added for a long time
with no real attempt of keeping the game balanced or play progression even.
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