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CF: Play Balance on class

I TOTALLY disagree with some of the statements I have seen on the list
to the effect that the game is biased twoards warriors and against
magic users.

Just try playing with a level 25 warrior and a level 25 wizard. There
are a lot of things that can be killed by stealth, cunning and the odd
earth wall with dimension door that a physical character just can't
attempt.  Also things such as avatars which appear at higher levels
have no parallel for biff characters.

One of the underlying reasons for this imbalance (IMHO) is the fact
that stat bonuses for strength and dexterity are additive, not
multiplicative like power or grace.

A character going form Pow of 29 to Pow 30 gets an extra 43% in the
number of mana points!, Whereas a warrior going from Str 29 to Str 30
gets an extra 5 points damage!

(Level 10 comparison)

Okay what you do get as a warrior is an extra 67% max carry
weight. This may be realistic (Magic probably should be more powerful
and cumulative) but it makes the abilities of the two classes at the
same level very different.

John the weary warrior

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