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CF: classes and races

David Andrew Michael Noelle wrote:

I believe the direction we're going is away from pre-defined character 
classes and more toward skills based on usage.  If you want to start out as 
a fighter and learn magic later, go ahead.  Your initial choice will 
determine your maximum natural stats though, so a fighter who later becomes  
a wizard will need several more +Power artifacts to get the same number of 
spell points.

  Are we really going in that direction?

  From past discussions, it seems that the idea to have the starting
races/classes be more distinct is desirable.  So that barbarian is a great 
fighter, and you probably should play him as such.  If you want to try to 
make him a spellcaster, sure, but he is going to be at a disadvantage.

Doesn't he already have disadvantages due to the limits his class has with 
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