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CF: solution for quests

people don't like the idea of having people a quest
to get multiple items that are powerful.

o.k., what if:

	(a) quests had a "level" or "difficulty" asociated with them.
	(b) the payoff was reduced by some factor as the users level
	    went above the "difficulty" rating.

you play the quest multiple times and the payoff gets less and less.
you die 7 times and want to go back for some EP and the payoff goes
back to where it was when you played it the first time.

previous idea was to have randomly generated artifact specs (e.g.,
plus on weapons, degree of protection once that happens).  if the 
generator takes into account the user (or some function of the group
for a party) then you can get 99 bezelbub's swords but the later
ones will be pretty much ordinary swords for having their stats
improvements reduced to near zero as your level goes up.  this would
nullify any reason to get repeat copies of magic instruments because
you can't improve them anyway -- all you'd get is a +0 sword that
won't get any better regardless.

difficulty could be rated based on whatever monster you have to get
by to get through or subjectively -- there are severl places in 
pup_land that are more complicated than difficult, for example.

if the code finally gets to where incremental protection works then
the random stats can be decimals and a simple linear function would
actually make them more-or-less cursed for players above some  limit
(i.e., at 70th level you'd get a firebrand with -3 hit and negative
fire protection).  

there are ways to cheat with this using a party, etc, but at some
point i figure the issue is to make most of the people enjoy the
game rather than find ways of making sure that noone can EVER 
POSSIBLY do ANYthing that the author didn't plan.  all we'd end up
with is a rock-solid security system that noone really wants to play...

 Steven Lembark                                   2930 W. Palmer St.
                                                 Chicago, IL  60647
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