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RE: Fanmail (was: RE: CF: ideas for next experiments)

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Hicks
To: crossfire mailing list
Sent: 9/14/99 11:57 AM
Subject: Fanmail (was: RE: CF: ideas for next experiments)

--- dragonm <> wrote:
> Our only goad is each other.  Even the fans are singularly silent.
Oops!  My apologies!
*loud screaming of thundering approval for those with enough energy
 to continue working on this game!*
<GRiN>  That was most gratifying.  Feel free to repeat on a monthly basis.
:)  Seriously though, knowing that somebody besides the two Mardahl's,
David, Teoh, and me is actually interested in our work, and playing the
results is a very good thing.  Any of you FTPd admins have statistics on the
number of copies of 0.95.4 that were downloaded?

Hope that goes some way towards redressing the balance of effort to
reward.  That and all the free CDs you can get from Linux distributors
like SuSe :)
<grumble>  I have so many of those dratted CDs.  I have 4 copies of SuSE 6.2
as of yesterday.  Ridiculous...  But yes, it does help the balance.  :)

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